Friday, January 14, 2022



There is  something in dream

Her skin is  like milk cream

Attester is lady with pure soul 

Honored with distinct role

She always exist in past 

What is  her vision at last

Dress  glitters  with Pearl of joy,happiness 

But head wounds with dust of  grief, sadness

People mostly choose head part 

Wound themselves joy apart

Sometime  it jumps into the present then  past 

Ruines the actual cantiness much fast 

Her duty  is to capture and measure 

Grief , joy , moments as well as pleasure

She is  assigned in painful 


Often in strong depressed happiness

Her duty is to repair 

Past and present to be compare

Makes strong and keeps  hold 

It is so precious more  than gold

In deep- weakest moments 

When dark -death comments 

When its preyers react madly

It damage things  badly

So "Memories" is her secret name 

Life is hidden in it often blame

We cannot always remain same 

 it's a deep emotional game

Try to pick up it dress  glitters

Do not  touch  head wound withers 

Stay in sadness is death  is a sign

Leave grief  back Move with time .


             Poem by: 

                Bushra Aziz



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  Memories. There is  something in dream Her skin is  like milk cream Attester is lady with pure soul  Honored with distinct role She alway...